Friday, March 10, 2006

La possibilité d'une ville

It's been a while since my last update of this blog. Not necessarily because nothing's happended in my life but because there's so little time. But that's not new to any of you. So what's happened so far in 2006? For a start, my mom's husband, Erik Eide, sadly succombed to lung cancer on January 22nd. It came as no surprise, of course, but it's strange how sudden it still feels. The funeral was held on the next Friday, uniting two families as well as old and new friend. We'll remember Erik as a generous and kind man.

A few weeks later I combined business and pleasure when I went to visit some customers in Germany during the week and spent the weekend back in good old Kufstein. "Die Perle Tirols" hadn't changed much since last time and there were lots of familiar (and puzzled) faces when I showed up at LKW Walter relatively unannounced. Needless to say, our favourite transport company had fired a good few people since last April but there were still enough old friend left for it to be an enjoyable stay. As I said, little had changed and we even went out partying with the Skandi-Abeteilung!

Stoney and I recorded a few old Full Loads "classics" along with some new ones. I'm not sure what happens next but it was good fun. Perhaps some nostalgic person out there wants a song for their mp3-player? We charge less than iTunes and our terms and conditions are pretty simple.

For some reason my colleagues chose me to represent our company at a 2-day conference in Paris. I accepted of course and before long it was clear that my father, brother and girlfriend would join me there... I had never been to Paris before so I was really pleased and it really is as beautiful and great as everyone says it is. However, we were only there for a few days and, I guess, did mostly touristy stuff but it was great. An expensive city though, by charging almost €6 for a cup of tea it's probably even beating Oslo.

A final note. We'll have to leave the flat in Stockholm by June 1st. My landlord's coming back to town and wants to swap our (or rather, his) flat for something a little further out of town. Funny thing this swapping flats thing. So there we are, Jenny and I will have to find something else, preferrably in the city centre. It's supposed to be difficult but I'm optimistic. If there's not a flat available for a Finno-Norwegian couple then what's the world coming to?


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