Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Anna Monroes

With the right people around you it’s pretty amazing what you can do. I remember vividly stepping out of a conference room, having just finished a radio interview (!), and opening a bottle of champagne and enjoying it with my colleagues. I didn’t get a lot of job stuff done that day but I was at work… In short, it was a nice feeling of accomplishment, one that I don’t get too often.

So I wrote this song almost a year and a half ago and this year, on February 8th, it generated almost 10.000 clicks on Myspace – www.myspace.com/theannamonroes, by the way - as well as three online newspaper articles and, yes, radio time. All of this, of course, wouldn’t have been possible without Terje or Elin. Vegard also helped out a great deal, creating the visual stuff as well as the video. Thanks!

Thinking back now I must have been silly insisting on doing lead vocals myself, but I guess you really only get one shot at something like this, so why not.

On the other hand, this will leave a digital trail for years to come. Anyone googling me would probably stumble upon this Anna Nicole thing which may not always be an advantage… But show me another man who’s taken a single song to mass media in a day without the help of professionals or money. I’m quite proud of myself and ready to leave it at that J


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