Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Last time I visited Iceland it was December and almost completely dark. I remember having a fish course at a restaurant in the evening but that was about all I saw. This time, though, I was going to have a closer look at this island that my ancestors (probably) inhabited a couple of centuries ago. 11 or so. Anyway, this was also a business trip but one that allowed me to spend the weekend there. My company’s customer on the island was kind enough to pick me up in his car and show me the Golden Circle. I was a bit suspicious at first but then I understood that he meant the well-known daytrip from the capital that takes you to Kerith, Gullfoss and the geysirs.

Before that I took a good long walk around Reykjavík to see all that I missed the last time. At 10pm on a Friday night there were about five people in Kaffebarinn, so I don’t know what that fuss is all about. Or maybe the Norsemen go out later. Still, though. I also had a look at the whaling boats idly tied up in Reykjavík. They actually look as scary as Greenpeace make them out to be. Within 50 (or so) metres from these boats you’ll find several other boats offering whale safaris, so the Icelandic are pretty focused on getting some money out of these mammals it seems. I didn’t have time for that this time sadly, maybe next time.

On my way to the airport I stopped by the Blue Lagoon. It’s probably been about 10-15 years since I last set foot in a public swimming facility (and I don’t do gyms) but I was still pretty comfortable showering with other men nevertheless. Oh yeah, the lagoon. It was nice. The weather was absolutely awful, freezing cold and basically raining horizontally. But the water was warm and the silica (the white stuff that you can smear in your face for free whilst in the water but costs you a fortune once bottled) actually made my skin smoother – at least momentarily.

So maybe next time I visit Iceland I won’t be alone and I’ll have a rented car to have a look around the rest of the island. You get used to the smell quickly. And they have good coffee in Reykjavík.


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