Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Trosa & Nyköping

Suddenly Jenny and I realised that we’re about to go through some changes in life and one of them would be that we’re not going to able to go places like we’ve been doing for the last couple of years. We therefore decided to explore the area south-west of Stockholm (no, not Älvsjö) and headed for Nyköping. On the way we stopped in Trosa for lunch and a look around. A beautiful place, where I could see myself having a summer residence one day.

Nyköping, I guess, was more or less what I expected it to be; small, very Swedish and with a miniature golf course in the city centre. And pretty deserted if you strolled away from the 4-5 places serving beer by the harbour.


Last time I visited Iceland it was December and almost completely dark. I remember having a fish course at a restaurant in the evening but that was about all I saw. This time, though, I was going to have a closer look at this island that my ancestors (probably) inhabited a couple of centuries ago. 11 or so. Anyway, this was also a business trip but one that allowed me to spend the weekend there. My company’s customer on the island was kind enough to pick me up in his car and show me the Golden Circle. I was a bit suspicious at first but then I understood that he meant the well-known daytrip from the capital that takes you to Kerith, Gullfoss and the geysirs.

Before that I took a good long walk around Reykjavík to see all that I missed the last time. At 10pm on a Friday night there were about five people in Kaffebarinn, so I don’t know what that fuss is all about. Or maybe the Norsemen go out later. Still, though. I also had a look at the whaling boats idly tied up in Reykjavík. They actually look as scary as Greenpeace make them out to be. Within 50 (or so) metres from these boats you’ll find several other boats offering whale safaris, so the Icelandic are pretty focused on getting some money out of these mammals it seems. I didn’t have time for that this time sadly, maybe next time.

On my way to the airport I stopped by the Blue Lagoon. It’s probably been about 10-15 years since I last set foot in a public swimming facility (and I don’t do gyms) but I was still pretty comfortable showering with other men nevertheless. Oh yeah, the lagoon. It was nice. The weather was absolutely awful, freezing cold and basically raining horizontally. But the water was warm and the silica (the white stuff that you can smear in your face for free whilst in the water but costs you a fortune once bottled) actually made my skin smoother – at least momentarily.

So maybe next time I visit Iceland I won’t be alone and I’ll have a rented car to have a look around the rest of the island. You get used to the smell quickly. And they have good coffee in Reykjavík.

Zürich & Luzern

Funny this, because in 2003 (I believe it was) Jenny and I travelled from Kufstein to have a look around Switzerland. We only went to Zürich (always nice to meet your banker in person, right?) and Luzern, via Konstanz and Mainau, and this was exactly the same route as this business trip took me on. So I can’t really say that I saw anything new this time and, sadly, I missed the Euro 2008 by about a month.

Spring ‘08

Here’s an attempt at recounting what’s happened this spring. The Band of Horses concert here in Stockholm was memorable, I do like them. A friend of a friend of a friend turned 30 (they all do eventually, it seems) so we went there. Quite cool to have your birthday party at the British Embassy, I must say, albeit nowhere near the secret dossiers of Göran Persson & Co.

Being a frequent business traveler – at least occasionally – I went to Voss (Norway) and it’s as lovely as people say. But it has one thing in common with a lot of places. Beautiful,yes, but I reckon I couldn’t live there permanently. Maybe if you’re into extreme sports. Unless golf counts I’ll stay in Stockholm for now. Sat next to that half famous guy from Voss who’s occasionally on TV, though.

Meanwhile, back in our one bedroom flat in Stockholm we’ve finished turning it into a 1,5 bedroom flat for the baby. That meant that the keyboard had to go, and so did the desk, but my guitars are still there, probably feeling as nervous about the future as I am. No, I’m not, really.

My mom came to Stockholm too recently. It’s probably nothing to do with the baby. Unless she should decide to come again this summer, in which case I’d think otherwise...

Kufstein ‘08

It’s becoming a tradition now, that Jenny and I visit Kufstein every winter. This year was no different, but the high temperatures made us lose all hope of ridin’ the pistes of Söll, Kitzbühel or Wildschönau. But we got to spend some time in good ole Kufidaun and, not least, meet the Kloppsteiners amazing daughter Sara. Line and Markus are getting married this summer, in a couple of weeks actually, and since we’re more likely to be under the supervision of a midwife than on holiday in the Alps they took us up to the restaurant in Söll where they’ll hold the reception and dinner.

And, obviously, no trip to Kufstein is complete without beer and a recording session or five. So we’re proud to present a couple of song to you this year too, check them out at www.myspace.com/thefullloads if you haven’t already. Still some way to go, I guess, but The Full Loads are getting better.

The Anna Monroes

With the right people around you it’s pretty amazing what you can do. I remember vividly stepping out of a conference room, having just finished a radio interview (!), and opening a bottle of champagne and enjoying it with my colleagues. I didn’t get a lot of job stuff done that day but I was at work… In short, it was a nice feeling of accomplishment, one that I don’t get too often.

So I wrote this song almost a year and a half ago and this year, on February 8th, it generated almost 10.000 clicks on Myspace – www.myspace.com/theannamonroes, by the way - as well as three online newspaper articles and, yes, radio time. All of this, of course, wouldn’t have been possible without Terje or Elin. Vegard also helped out a great deal, creating the visual stuff as well as the video. Thanks!

Thinking back now I must have been silly insisting on doing lead vocals myself, but I guess you really only get one shot at something like this, so why not.

On the other hand, this will leave a digital trail for years to come. Anyone googling me would probably stumble upon this Anna Nicole thing which may not always be an advantage… But show me another man who’s taken a single song to mass media in a day without the help of professionals or money. I’m quite proud of myself and ready to leave it at that J

X-mas and New Year’s in Drammen

This was the first time Jenny and I spent Christmas together. Knowing about the bun in the oven we assumed there’d be more to come so why not start in Norway and then alternate. It started off with Torill’s (late) 60th birthday party, pretty much what you’d expected it to be but in a lovely setting at Børsen in Drammen.

Then, as always, there were the numerous car trips between my mom’s house and my dad’s house but since I brought a pregnant girlfriend home with me I was sure to get the best bed in the least cold room…

No Christmas period is complete without several visits to my gran and a trip to Oslo to see the extended family.

New Year ’s Eve was celebrated at my dad’s house in Drammen; three “families” within one family.

Vienna – Henrik’s graduation

I remember when Henrik decided to quit Warwick and head for Vienna. It feel like ages ago (and it probably is) but now his time there seems to come to an end. For the next six years or so it’ll be Chicago where I’m sure I’ll visit the fella more than once.

It was perhaps a coincidence that Henrik and I both ended up in Austria at the same time, but it is probably no coincidence that we’re both in different places now.

Anyway, after countless visits to Vienna it was nice to sit there and watch him tell everyone his name and the title of his dissertation and receiving his well deserved diploma. Good job, Henrik!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Inside Anna Nicole

The Anna Monroes are launching the single "Inside Anna Nicole" digitally on February 8th.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

...and we're back

I guess it took a reminder from the .eu registry to make me remember my blog. If anyone was reading it then I’m sorry it’s been a while since the last time I updated it. But, I’ve paid the fee for 2008 and I’ll write something, looking back at the year since my last update.

The last couple of weeks have had to with music, I’ve been to several concerts lately:

- Ed Harcourt
-The National
- Black Mountain
- Ryan Adams & The Cardinals
- Arcade Fire

Maybe there were some more too but I can’t remember right now. But it has been fun. And Kristian has been a great concert-goer-in-crime, drinking as much as he’s listening, and most probably faster...

Just before the concerts Stockholm held its annual film festival. I saw 10 films in all:


“We Own The Night”
“Send A Bullet”

“Chapter 27”
“Ghosts Of Abu Ghraib”
“4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days”


Looking back 1… Cyprus

Jenny and took some time out to visit Cyprus in October. Rune, my father’s wife’s son if you must know, has been living there for some 8 years and ever since his wedding I’d promised to return. And now I have. And a great trip it was too, meeting his wife and daughter in their, erm, natural environment. Here are some pictures from the trip…

Looking back 2… Vacation in Bordeaux/Biarritz

This year’s main vacation was spent in France, a country that even Jenny has learned to love…I think. During 10 great days we visited the city of Bordeaux, climbed on massive amounts of sand in Pyla, relaxed on the beaches of Biarritz (and lost a few Euros in its casino), ate ham in Bayonne, had our share of seafood and visited three grand cru classé vineyards. Here are some pictures from our holiday…

Looking back 3… Summer in Stockholm

One Sunday morning early in the summer my hair was aching after a night out and, after a failed attempt at breakfast I went back to bed. Waking from my sleep, I though I heard sheep outside (!). And it wasn’t a dream either. Strange that. I still don’t know where they came from or where they went.

We had plenty of visitors this summer, friends and family. So we took the opportunity of taking people out to see and do things when they didn’t only want shopping. Like Stockholm’s Jazz Festival. Always worth a visit.

Jenny and I did things on our own too, like spending a day out in Fjäderholmarna, going to Uppsala, playing golf, watching tennis and looking at gay people marching through town. Apart from reading in the park and drinking beer on the local terrace, of course.

As summer turned into autumn there’s the thing called kräftskiva. Once again we went to Helene and Tommie’s (now married by the way) summer place in Dalarna for a good party including crayfish, schnaps and nude swimming. One thing usually leads to another…

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Suprise, a new blog entry!

Some of you have kindly reminded me that I haven't updated my blog in a long time. Which, when I think about it, is true. Thankfully, the fact that I haven't written anything new is not because I haven't done anything nor had nothing to write about, quite the opposite. It's been a very busy spring and I couldn't tell you what I've been up to before first looking back to see where I took my camera since visiting good ol' Austria in March.

This may also be a good time to warn/inform you all that there will be some more music available on The Full Loads' Myspace page shortly.

Right. A quick Picasa consultation reveals that I've not been outside Europe so far this year. After Kufstein (and between all those little job trips to Oslo) I went to Denmark and Wonderful Copenhagen (I think it's called) where I up with my cousin Mikkas again. Unlike my last visit to Denmark, which involved Champions League football and an underground house party, this was quiet and mainly business.

As far as work trips go, the one undertaken in late April was a highpoint; Paris. Another newspaper conference, same venue, but the weather was vastly better than in February 2006. I don't think I've ever been as cold as on that Saturday morning in Montmartre. This year, however, it was 28 degrees, with humidy to suit, and it wasn't especially comfortable to wear a black suit in the métro on the way to the conference. I didn't mind the suit at the gala dinner at the French Senate, though...

Like last year I decided to spend the weekend there, only this time Jenny was in Berlin with her job. But I didn't have to experience Paris alone. Since I'd already seen most of the must-see sights last year, I decided Versailles would be worth a visit this time around, and it certainly was. After strolling through the many sitting rooms, bedrooms and several other larger rooms - an amazing sight by the way - we paid the garden a visit. Anna, who was there with me, and I rented one of those golf carts and sped off into all corners of the garden, literally. All the paths in the garden are one way streets and you have to drive a certain route which we of course missed at the earliest possible opportunity. The park is huge and the cart drives at just over walking speed so this mistake cost us something like a half hour. When finally visiting the northeastern corner of the park we naturally messed up again and ended up doing a major detour. The sun was setting, it was 19.15 and the cart was due back at 19.

A few weeks later work sent me to Amsterdam, a place I've never visited before. My hotel, or at least the reception, was not in the red-light distric but my hotel window had a perfect view of a pub, a coffee house and several decent dildo offers, and a sweet warm cannabis smell to match. You hear a lot about Amsterdam so I had to check it out. The first meeting with the city didn't give me the best impression, as there was a lot of road and construction work going on around the railway station. But as soon as I walked towards the hotel, seeing the neat canals, it turned out to be a very nice place after all. Assuming that the customer I was meeting for dinner later in the evening wasn't interested in the red-light distric, I decided to see it for myself so I wouldn't have to return without having seen it. It took me some time to realize I was actually in the right area but when I did, I saw prositutes everywhere. I couldn't believe I hadn't seen them before, they were all over the place, and on a regular Wednesday afternoon at that. I refused every single "offer" on my way through the area until I got tired of it all and decided to see where Anne Frank had been hiding instead. It took me a while to find it (I'm sure a map would've helped), but I did in the end, not far from the Homomonument. Naturally I got there too late to get in but I could overhear some impressions of the place from some fifty-odd German schoolchildren who were standing outside.

Only a few days after returning from Amsterdam I was going, also for the first time in my life, to Trondheim. I was invited by a costumer there to watch Rosenborg vs Strømsgodset from the vip stand, including lunch and "entertainment" by old footballer Mini Jacobsen. As it turned out, Godset won the match which gave me the pleasure of being the only one in the stands actually enjoying myself :-)

With barely the time to unpack after Trondheim I took Jenny with me to Drammen for her to experience 17.mai.

The Swedish national day, June 6th, gave us the opportunity to take an extended weekend in Finland. This way, too, we can spend our summer holiday in Stockholm and elsewhere since we've just been in both Norway and Finland. The weather in Finland was very fine indeed, allowing us to relax outside and even play a first golf round of the season. For those of you who care, I scored 31 stableford points. We also went on a boat, took a few beers along the Esplanaden in Helsinki and met up with some of Jenny's old friends. For me, the highpoint was the trip to Turku, conveniently on the way back to Sweden, where I met two old friends from my Erasmus year in Germany and Spain, Laura and Magnus.

By this time, of course, both Jenny and I had had our 30th birthdays which was celebrated with friends and colleagues here in Stockholm. We even went out on the town, meaning we can afford to wait until hitting Stureplan again :-)

And just to bring you all very much up to date, I attach a few pictures from our rooftop walking on a building on Riddarholmen, the tiny island next to Stockholm's Gamla Stan.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

A return to Austria

We just came back from our (annual) 6-day trip to good ol' Kufstein. A nice little break from work and the process of moving in (which I won't mention in any more blogs, I promise). We stayed at Markus' and Line's new flat in the centre providing easy access to water holes, restaurants and the ski bus to Söll. It was nice to see everyone again, and of course things have happened since the last time we were there, some 11 months ago. Here are some pics from the trip:

Unfortunately, the Austrian alp have been virtually without snow the whole winter but we still put in two days of skiing because of the nice weather. It wasn't the sort of conditions we'd go skiing in had we still been living there, but hey, we only get this chance this year.

Settled in

It's taken a while but we're pretty much settled now. For some reason it feels like I have less spare time now so maybe we're not quite settled after all. But it looks and feels nice her now so we decided to open a bottle of Champagne.

A few days later we threw a house-warming party. Sadly we didn't take any pictures of the party itself (for some reason or another) but this is what it looked like just before the guests arrived:

Thursday, February 01, 2007

My own space on Myspace.com

As some of you may have noticed (or ignored), we, The Full Loads that is, have joined myspace.com. Surprisingly, we even have a few cyberspace friends. If you feel like it you can check it out on www.myspace.com/thefullloads.

We will keep posting new material there whenever it (or inspiration) appears. A new "recording session" is planned for early March. The world isn't exactly holding its breath but hopefully not covering its ears either.

Moving in

Initially we thought we'd be all settled in our new place within a few days. We couldn't have been more wrong. The first week was spent moving things around without really unpacking much; waiting for new furniture to arrive, waiting for men with tools to install things and preparing for drilling holes in the walls. The next week was basically spent drilling holes in our walls...

It'll still take some time before everything is put in its right place. Or, alterternatively, we learn to live with things the way they are. But we've come a long way as you can see from the picture below.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Here are the first pictures of our new place. First, the kitchen:

Then, we have the living room, the room that will be serving as a corridor/working area/studio etc, and the bedroom:

The bathroom isn't too big but it has everything. The shower even has two showerheads, I'm gonna look forward to that!

Finally, there's the corridor outside as well as the other common areas that you can't avoid on your way up or down...: